About Us

Hi there! I’m a software engineer by day, aspiring tech guru by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a wonderful cat named Lucky, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

– Eric

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide you with the latest and greatest technology at a glance so you’ll never miss out on being the cool kid on the block!

Vision Statement

Our vision is simple. Not only do we want to look at what’s currently available on the market, but we also want to take a look into the future. Most articles that we post will be informative, others may be inspiring, and some… might be so far into the future that they’ll need a second reading!

Core Values

  • Curiosity – Always be curious. This is the foundation for what we do and who we are. Without it, we wouldn’t exist.
  • Passion – Love what you do. This is the driving force that fuels curiosity. It is also a reflection of who we are and can be seen in everything that we do.
  • Trust – Build trust in others by demonstrating trust in yourself. This is critically important since we pride ourselves with knowledge and share it with others. This helps build pillars for which we can forge empires.
  • Impact – We are always looking to have a positive impact on the world. We look at everything we do and carefully consider whether or not we are making a difference for the better. If not, should we be doing it?

Brief Company History

This all started because I wanted a single place where I could find out all about technology. I live, eat, and breathe tech and am always curious about what’s next. So, I founded this company with the goal of providing the same information that I value directly to you.